Current Employer Reputations 171rst Armored Cavalry Mercenary Unit Total: 2 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Capellan Confederation | 10 | Any and All Contract Types! |
Free Worlds League | 3 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Rebels | -2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Federated Suns | -9 | Static Defense |
Current Employer Reputations 8th Independent Hussars Mercenary Unit Total: -5 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Draconis Combine | 4 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign & Minor Raid |
ComStar | -1 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Star League | -1 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Rasalhague Dominion | -2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Federated Suns | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Capellan Confederation | -3 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Current Employer Reputations Arcane Rangers Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Currently have no reputation with any factions |
Current Employer Reputations Arcani Guards Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Currently have no reputation with any factions |
Current Employer Reputations Bad Karma Fusiliers Mercenary Unit Total: -5 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Federated Suns | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Outworlds Alliance | -3 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Current Employer Reputations Black Death Hussars Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Currently have no reputation with any factions |
Current Employer Reputations Black Stars Mercenary Unit Total: 47 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Lyran Alliance | 38 | Any and All Contract Types! |
Free Worlds League | 26 | Any and All Contract Types! |
Marian Hegemony | 16 | Any and All Contract Types! |
The Corporate Sector | 14 | Any and All Contract Types! |
The Nobility | 10 | Any and All Contract Types! |
Outworlds Alliance | 3 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Capellan Confederation | 3 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Star League | 2 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Draconis Combine | 1 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
ComStar | 1 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Taurian Concordat | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Clan Cloud Cobra | -2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Clan Jade Falcon | -4 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Word Of Blake | -5 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
ULTRA | -5 | Static Defense |
Clan Wolf | -6 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Rebels | -19 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Pirates | -24 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Current Employer Reputations Blaks Marauders Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Currently have no reputation with any factions |
Current Employer Reputations Blood Angels Mercenary Unit Total: -5 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Federated Suns | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Capellan Confederation | -3 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Current Employer Reputations Blue Lotus Irregulars Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Currently have no reputation with any factions |
Current Employer Reputations Camerons Cuirassiers Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Lyran Alliance | 2 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Free Worlds League | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Current Employer Reputations Chaos Incorporated Mercenary Unit Total: 1 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Draconis Combine | 12 | Any and All Contract Types! |
Clan Snow Raven | -5 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Pirates | -6 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Current Employer Reputations Chaos Incorporated defunct Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Currently have no reputation with any factions |
Current Employer Reputations Conways Rangers Mercenary Unit Total: -5 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Clan Star Adder | -2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Taurian Concordat | -3 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Current Employer Reputations Crimson Legion Mercenary Unit Total: 17 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Star League | 10 | Any and All Contract Types! |
Free Rasalhague Republic | 8 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign, Minor Raid & Invasion |
The Corporate Sector | 8 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign, Minor Raid & Invasion |
Lyran Alliance | 5 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign & Minor Raid |
Rim Collection | 5 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign & Minor Raid |
Free Worlds League | 1 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Magistracy Of Canopus | 1 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Federated Suns | 1 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
The Nobility | 1 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Draconis Combine | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Clan Steel Viper | -2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Word Of Blake | -3 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Pirates | -4 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Rasalhague Dominion | -5 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Clan Wolf | -7 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Current Employer Reputations Dark Sun Combat Corps Mercenary Unit Total: -4 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Lyran Alliance | 1 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Capellan Confederation | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Federated Suns | -3 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Current Employer Reputations Deaths Guard Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Star League | 4 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign & Minor Raid |
Federated Suns | 3 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
The Corporate Sector | 2 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Draconis Combine | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Capellan Confederation | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Current Employer Reputations Donatella Divas Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Currently have no reputation with any factions |
Current Employer Reputations Dracs 7th Cavalry Mercenary Unit Total: -17 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Capellan Confederation | 3 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Marian Hegemony | -1 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Lyran Alliance | -1 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
The Nobility | -1 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
The Corporate Sector | -1 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Chaos March | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Federated Suns | -4 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Taurian Concordat | -4 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Word Of Blake | -5 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Current Employer Reputations Dragon Slayers Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Free Worlds League | 4 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign & Minor Raid |
Star League | 3 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
The Nobility | -1 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Rebels | -6 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Current Employer Reputations Eiriksens Huscarls Mercenary Unit Total: -5 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Federated Suns | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Capellan Confederation | -3 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Current Employer Reputations Fallen Knights Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Currently have no reputation with any factions |
Current Employer Reputations Firewall Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Currently have no reputation with any factions |
Current Employer Reputations Gerbiks Grenadiers Mercenary Unit Total: -1 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Capellan Confederation | -1 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Current Employer Reputations Hellstorm Hussars Mercenary Unit Total: 24 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Federated Suns | 32 | Any and All Contract Types! |
Free Worlds League | 11 | Any and All Contract Types! |
Star League | 7 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign, Minor Raid & Invasion |
Lyran Alliance | 4 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign & Minor Raid |
Outworlds Alliance | 3 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
The Corporate Sector | 1 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Clan Jade Falcon | -2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Word Of Blake | -2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Taurian Concordat | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Rasalhague Dominion | -4 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Clan Star Adder | -5 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Pirates | -6 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Clan Cloud Cobra | -7 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Rebels | -7 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Current Employer Reputations Ignatovas Instigators Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Currently have no reputation with any factions |
Current Employer Reputations Ingersolls Armoured Cavalry Mercenary Unit Total: 5 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Federated Suns | 10 | Any and All Contract Types! |
Lyran Alliance | 6 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign & Minor Raid |
The Corporate Sector | 3 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Rebels | -1 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Clan Jade Falcon | -2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Free Worlds League | -5 | Static Defense |
Capellan Confederation | -6 | Static Defense |
Current Employer Reputations Jackrabbits From Hell Mercenary Unit Total: 3 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Draconis Combine | 4 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign & Minor Raid |
Rasalhague Dominion | -1 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Current Employer Reputations Jareds Jackdaws (C) Mercenary Unit Total: -2 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Clan Snow Raven | 2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Federated Suns | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Pirates | -2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Current Employer Reputations Kings Lancers Mercenary Unit Total: -4 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Capellan Confederation | 9 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign, Minor Raid & Invasion |
Federated Suns | -13 | Can never work for this faction! |
Current Employer Reputations Legio Invictus Mercenary Unit Total: 2 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Draconis Combine | 10 | Any and All Contract Types! |
Lyran Alliance | 3 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Star League | -1 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Pirates | -4 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Rebels | -6 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Current Employer Reputations Levesques Chevaliers Mercenary Unit Total: 1 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Federated Suns | 3 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Clan Star Adder | -2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Current Employer Reputations Lightning Marauders Mercenary Unit Total: -6 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
ULTRA | -3 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Liberty Holds | -3 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Current Employer Reputations Marikovs Hussars Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Currently have no reputation with any factions |
Current Employer Reputations Mothers Own Mercenary Unit Total: -5 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Word Of Blake | -2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Draconis Combine | -3 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Current Employer Reputations Oath Bound Reapers Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Currently have no reputation with any factions |
Current Employer Reputations Odins Sons Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Currently have no reputation with any factions |
Current Employer Reputations Omega Group Mercenary Unit Total: -1 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Draconis Combine | -1 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Current Employer Reputations Rabid Wolves Mercenary Unit Total: 2 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Capellan Confederation | 6 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign & Minor Raid |
The Corporate Sector | 6 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign & Minor Raid |
Draconis Combine | 3 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Taurian Concordat | 2 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Lyran Alliance | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Star League | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Rebels | -3 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Free Worlds League | -4 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Pirates | -4 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Current Employer Reputations Raven Legion Mercenary Unit Total: 37 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Federated Suns | 44 | Any and All Contract Types! |
Free Worlds League | 29 | Any and All Contract Types! |
Lyran Alliance | 17 | Any and All Contract Types! |
Magistracy Of Canopus | 6 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign & Minor Raid |
Rim Collection | 1 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Word Of Blake | -1 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Clan Wolf | -2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Rasalhague Dominion | -3 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Taurian Concordat | -4 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Clan Jade Falcon | -4 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Draconis Combine | -5 | Static Defense |
Pirates | -6 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Clan Cloud Cobra | -13 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Rebels | -22 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Current Employer Reputations Razans Ronins Mercenary Unit Total: 15 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Draconis Combine | 31 | Any and All Contract Types! |
The Corporate Sector | 7 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign, Minor Raid & Invasion |
Liberty Holds | 5 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign & Minor Raid |
Pirates | -1 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Clan Snow Raven | -2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Rasalhague Dominion | -3 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Rebels | -5 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Free Worlds League | -6 | Static Defense |
ULTRA | -11 | Can never work for this faction! |
Current Employer Reputations Restless Souls Mercenary Unit Total: 62 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Federated Suns | 81 | Any and All Contract Types! |
Lyran Alliance | 33 | Any and All Contract Types! |
The Nobility | 17 | Any and All Contract Types! |
Star League | 7 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign, Minor Raid & Invasion |
Fronc Reaches | 3 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
The Corporate Sector | 1 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Confederated Systems of Tikonov | 1 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Free Worlds League | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Outworlds Alliance | -3 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Clan Cloud Cobra | -3 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
The General Public | -3 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
ULTRA | -3 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Pirates | -5 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Capellan Confederation | -8 | Static Defense |
Word Of Blake | -10 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Rebels | -12 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Clan Jade Falcon | -12 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Draconis Combine | -20 | Can never work for this faction! |
Current Employer Reputations Riders Of The Damned Mercenary Unit Total: -6 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Federated Suns | -3 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Capellan Confederation | -3 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Current Employer Reputations Robinsions Royal Knights Mercenary Unit Total: -1 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Federated Suns | -1 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Current Employer Reputations Royal Armored Lancers Mercenary Unit Total: -1 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Capellan Confederation | 7 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign, Minor Raid & Invasion |
Lyran Alliance | 4 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign & Minor Raid |
The Corporate Sector | 3 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Star League | 2 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Clan Jade Falcon | -2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Draconis Combine | -4 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Pirates | -4 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Rebels | -7 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Current Employer Reputations Royal Corvax (C) Mercenary Unit Total: 4 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Liberty Holds | 10 | Any and All Contract Types! |
Clan Diamond Shark | -6 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Current Employer Reputations Stewart Highlanders Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Free Worlds League | 6 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign & Minor Raid |
Lyran Alliance | -1 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Rebels | -1 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Clan Diamond Shark | -2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Pirates | -2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Current Employer Reputations Storms Armored Cavalry Mercenary Unit Total: 4 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Lyran Alliance | 5 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign & Minor Raid |
Federated Suns | 3 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
ULTRA | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Rim Collection | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Current Employer Reputations The Emerald Falcons (C) Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Currently have no reputation with any factions |
Current Employer Reputations The Irregulars Mercenary Unit Total: -2 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Draconis Combine | 5 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign & Minor Raid |
Federated Suns | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Rebels | -2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Chaos March | -3 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Current Employer Reputations The Posse Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Currently have no reputation with any factions |
Current Employer Reputations The Skared Legion Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Currently have no reputation with any factions |
Current Employer Reputations Triple Nickels Mercenary Unit Total: 1 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Free Worlds League | 1 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Lyran Alliance | 1 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Capellan Confederation | -1 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Current Employer Reputations Veens Irregulars Mercenary Unit Total: 32 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Federated Suns | 52 | Any and All Contract Types! |
The Corporate Sector | 9 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign, Minor Raid & Invasion |
Star League | 8 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign, Combat Campaign, Minor Raid & Invasion |
Free Worlds League | -1 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Lyran Alliance | -1 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Clan Jade Falcon | -2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Pirates | -2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Rebels | -2 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
Chaos March | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Clan Star Adder | -4 | Faction not recognised by the MRBC |
ULTRA | -6 | Static Defense |
Capellan Confederation | -7 | Static Defense |
Draconis Combine | -10 | Can never work for this faction! |
Current Employer Reputations War Hounds Mercenary Unit Total: -4 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
The Corporate Sector | 1 | Static Defense, Territorial Campaign & Combat Campaign |
Capellan Confederation | -2 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Federated Suns | -3 | Static Defense & Territorial Campaign |
Current Employer Reputations Ye Olde Ones Black Talon Phoenixes Mercenary Unit Total: 0 |
Faction | Rep | Access to Contracts |
Currently have no reputation with any factions |