Heavy Class Battlemech for Defensive Duty
For each entry please post your name (username or Character name) the design name that has been submitted, and which unit it represents.
If you get really ambitious and have time for more than one entry in each category and submit it, be advised that only one can take a prize.
When we begin judging, we will also be posting the status of each entry as we have judged them but not the scores in this thread.
Submitter/PlayerName, Unit, Contest Entry Unit Name
Lt. Gen Timothy Maddox, Hellstorm Hussars, Stormfire-SF-1 65 Tons (You can link to the post here to make it easier for us also)
Entry List So far:
Submitter/PlayerName, Unit, Contest Entry Unit Name
Once judging has begun (Staff who are in units are allowed to participate but will not be allowed to judge their own designs)
Code: Select all
Judging Begins January 1st:
Submitted Evaluation Evaluation Cumulative # of Average
Player Unit Design on: Status: End Date: Score: Judges: Score:
FM Xavier Steele RS Hound HND-05 11/14/2017 11/14/2017
I've put this list in code for now, but I suspect, when judging happens this will get replaced with a google sheet so that all the math and scores can be added up and calculated without error.
The playerbase doesn't have to wait till the submission deadline to give input or rate each design. That feedback and rating can be factored into scores starting January 1st. (but if there isn't enough time for them to be judged by the playerbase, it will not hurt the designs chances either.)
Submission Deadline is 31st Dec 2017.