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A Mercenary Unit needs a minimum of 4 active players that include the Mercenary Unit Commanding Officer to bid for a contract. A certain amount of reasonability is expected from MUCO's, one would not bid for an Invasion Type contract with only 4 active players. A Garrison Duty contract would be a much wiser choice until the unit can recruit some more players. (NPC's are allowed and can be added to a contract Transcript).

First and foremost check your unit's reputation with the employers (Great House, Periphery nations, corporation, etc – more details in the Reputation section) and compare that reputation with the current contracts that are on the market.

After you find the contracts that can be bid on by your unit, as a MUCO you need to login on the website to your MUCO interface. There you will find a link that will take you to a bidding form. Everything is self-explanatory from here on.

Also from the MUCO interface there are also other options that you need to consider. When a contract reaches its end, you have a link to a form from where you will submit your contract transcript. For more details about transcripts please visit its section.

If the contract which you have chosen is negotiable, during the contract you can inform the ambassador that you have reached your targeted words (consult the Transcript section for more information) and BSBT (consult the Salvage section for more information on BSBT) and the contract can end earlier than its scheduled period.

If you have concluded successfully a contract that awards salvage, after you have submitted the transcript you will be announced via e-mail that you need to submit a wish-list of salvage. (Consult the Salvage section for more information on salvage and wish-lists).

Multiple Contract Bids

As a Mercenary Unit expands into a Battalion or eventually into a Regiment size force the MUCO has the choice of bidding for more than 1 contract at any given time:

A Company Size Unit can do:
1 Company Detachment Contract
A Battalion Size Unit can do:
1 Company or Battalion Detachment Contract
2 Company Detachment Contracts
A Regiment Size Unit can do:
1 Company, Battalion or Regiment Detachment Contract
2 Company and/or Battalion Detachment Contracts
3 Company and/or Battalion Detachment Contracts
A Brigade Size Unit can do:
1 Company, Battalion or Regiment Detachment Contract
2 Company, Battalion and/or Regiment Detachment Contracts
3 Company, Battalion and/or Regiment Detachment Contracts
4 Company, Battalion and/or Regiment Detachment Contracts
Sub-Contracting Procedures

1. A Sub-Contracted Mercenary Unit cannot have a negative reputation with the Employer.
2. At the end of the contract, the Parent Mercenary Unit must submit the Transcript and the MHB will pay the Parent Mercenary Unit.
3. The Parent Mercenary Unit will pay a negotiated amount to the Sub-Contracted unit by informing the MHB. (The MRBC affords no protection for the sub-contracted unit)
4. If there is an Ambassador for the Employer faction, you must get their permission before Sub-Contracting.
5. The Reputation increases / decreases will go to both Mercenary Units.
6. Only Battalion or Regiment contracts can be sub-contracted.
7. Salvage Rights are given to the Parent Mercenary Unit, negotiations can be given to the sub-contracted unit. (The MRBC affords no protection for the sub-contracted unit)
8. If the submitted Transcript fails to meet the minimum Word Count, both units loose reputation with the employer by -1.

Common Procedures On Taking Contracts

1. Choose a contract that you wish to bid on
2. Check that you have enough reputation with the employer
3. Check the Minimum Transcript (and the BSBT if you believe your unit can reach it)
4. Check the contract for the duration in real time and whether it is negotiable or non-negotiable
5. Submit a bid (May take up to 4 days to process)
6. Wait for approval via the MERC-NET mailing list
7. When approved you must start the contract within 15 days of approval
8. If it is negotiable contract, you may submit the contract once your unit has reached the Minimum Transcript and you are free to move on to another contract. (It is like achieving your objectives before the duration and it is assumed so by the MRBC and Ambassadors)
9. If it is non-negotiable, you must continue to post for the entire duration of the contract.
10. If you stay for the complete duration of the contract, you must submit the Transcript before another 15 days lapsed or face contract failure.
11. When the contract is complete, submit the Transcript (May take up to 4 days to process)
12. A notice will be sent to MERC-NET and the MUCO will get an email pertaining to their payment and salvage
13. Buy/Sell stuff + take some time to rest, then begin the process again.

(Check the Transcript section for more information on transcripts and contracts as a whole)