The Battletech-Mercenaries RPG Command Staff is divided into 3 sections, the first being the Mercenary Review & Bonding Commission (MRBC) and the second being the Faction Staff (FS) that represent their factions interests by submission of new contracts and various In Character (IC) plot lines. Finally the third section is the more general Purpose Storyline Writers. Storyline Writers exist to help bridge the gap between specific faction interests and the universe and player base as a whole.
The MRBC is the chain of command for the Battletech-Mercenaries RPG organization; these are the people who run the day to day operations of the group and who you need to speak to should any problems arise. The following is a list of the current staff members and their contact information.
Director: Timothy Joshua Reid(director at
The Director of the Mercenary Review & Bonding Commission (MRBC) is responsible for the running of the Battletech-Mercenaries RPG organisation. The Director is an administrator that keeps the MRBC Staff filled with duties concerning the Mercenary Units. The Director has the final decision on new initiatives that the MRBC Staff, Faction Ambassadors, Mercenary Unit Commanding Officers (MUCO's) may offer or suggest. Only the Director can dismiss a member of the MRBC Staff. The Director ensures the streamlining of contracts that Employers might put forward and interprets them for MUCO's to view.
Deputy Director: Remington von Wolffe(deputy at
The primary role of the Deputy Director is act as the primary narrator of the Battletech-Mercenaries non-canon timeline and story directions. The Deputy Director of the Department of Mercenary Management (DMM) assists the Director in any and all things that concern the Battletech-Mercenaries role playing organization and may at times take full control if the Director is on Leave of Absense (LOA) or Away With Out Leave (AWOL). Additional duties include the smooth processing of all applicants into the ranks of the mercenary units and handles all complaints and problems that players might have with other players. The Deputy Director additionally handles all personnel exchanges within Battletech-Mercenaries and maintains the important MERC-NET mailing list.
Acting Military Hardware Broker: Remington von Wolffe(mbroker at
The Military Hardware Brokerage is a independent entity that serves as a legal and reliable broker of Military Hardware that mercenary units need from sources and factories within the umbrella of the civilized Inner Sphere. Every Mercenary Unit registered with the MRBC is required to purchase their Military Hardware from the Brokerage. C-Bills are transferred to Broker upon contract completion and only Mercenary Unit Commanding Officer's (MUCO's) can access the units C-Bill account by contacting the Broker.
Public Information Officer: Vacant(public-information at
All large entities have a Public Information Officer and the Mercenary Review & Bonding Commission (MRBC) in no exception, which duties include; advertising for the Battletech-Mercenaries website, Dealing with other BattleTech and Mechwarrior websites for better relations, maintaining a current links page that promotes other great BattleTech/Mechwarrior websites, answer general questions from Battletech-Mercenaries members and the general public, adds suggestions and assists improving Mercenary Unit Websites's and generally makes sure that the whole Battletech-Mercenaries community is public friendly and approachable.
Loremaster: Vacant(vacant at
The primary role of the Loremaster is act as the primary narrator of the Battletech-Mercenaries non-canon timeline and story directions for the Clans. The Loremaster of Battletech-Mercenaries (BTM) assists the Deputy Director in any and all things that concern the Battletech-Mercenaries role playing organization. The Loremaster will act as the go between and in many cases the primary story developer and fact checker for Clan elements of BTM. The Loremaster works closely in conjunction with the Deputy Director and (other staff as needed) on plots that reach beyond the border of just one Clan. The Loremaster is responsible for helping to weave together parts of the universe that individual storylines may miss. The Loremaster works closely with the Director and Deputy Director to help create new story line ideas, and to better integrate stories with the expanding BTM timeline. The position is not concerned with day to day administrative tasks normally. This role is focused almost entirely on the backstory, timeline, and events of the Clans impact on the Inner Sphere. Additional duties include the smooth processing of all applicants into the ranks of the mercenary units.
Historian: Vacant(historian at
The primary role of the Historian is to keep an archive of the Battletech-Mercenaries non-canon timeline, changes, updates, and stories. The Historian of the Department of Mercenary Management (DMM) assists the Director and Deputy Director in any and all things that concern the Battletech-Mercenaries role playing organization and currently has mirror rights of the Director.The Historian works closely in conjunction with the Deputy Director and (other staff as needed) on plots that reach beyond the border of just one faction and to help create new story line ideas, and to better integrate stories with the expanding BTM timeline. The position ranks just below the Deputy on matters of canon and universe creation, and routinely helps with day to day administrative tasks.
Staff Advisor: Dalton Cameron(webmaster at
As a staff advisor, there is no official duties beyond maintenance of the website, dealing with real world issues for the org. and developing the game system as required by the users. The Staff Advisor can also act in an advisory role for members of the org. and help facilitate things as needed.