Welcome to Battletech-Mercenaries, a free play by email/play by forum role-playing game set in the years past 3068, where our version of the Battletech Universe took a different path. You can play as a tough Mercenary within a Company, Battalion or Regiment sized unit. Mercenary Units bid for contracts and earn hard cash to buy better and stronger hardware to take up even more profitable & challenging contracts.

The Game recently rebooted based on the situation after the Battle of Tukayyid in 3052
In addition, Game Play has changed in the following ways:
- Game Play and primary community collaborates on Discord
- Forum Interaction, including polls, questions, Rules Updates, and unit and other information can be found on the new forums at BTM-JCINK Forums
- History, and other information may also be found on our wiki
Battletech-Mercenaries is currently set in the year 3107 and is based on the canon information leading up to 3068 but in the almost a score of years since we have taken a different path from the 'Dark Age' story path please check out our official timeline.

The 7th Armored Legion Mercenary Unit are a Play By Forum Board,
Regiment Sized Unit that has been active since 7th of April, 2014
Colonel William Draka Norstrum invites you to earn riches and glory for yourself and the
7th Armored Legion Mercenary Unit
The Star League Senate
When Christian Månsdöttar's First Lord term ran out in 3067 he
gave all non-military power to the bureaucrats, who were restructured
into a provisional Senate led by Arthur Walker, who became
the interim Presidential Senator. But there is no argument
that the SLDF is the true power of the Star League, so Christian
Månsdöttar along with the provisional Senate put forward the
idea of a SLDF Triumvirate of three Commanding Generals that
would have to agree on important decisions for the future actions
of the SLDF.
That was well over 10 years ago, now the Senate forum is
located in the metropolis of Norfolk on the East Coast of North
America, the Senators and Presidential Senator are now elected
officials of divisional regions divided up by population among
Star League member nations. For a new SLDF Triumvirate member
to be selected, the Senate makes a secret ballot on candidates selected
by the remaining Triumvirate members, this allows for very limited
corruption and some satisfaction for the general populous that
the SLDF is under civilian control but without crippling the Triumvirate
from making decisive decisions when needed and also preventing
political puppets from rising up into the Triumvirate.
SLDF: Department of Mercenary Management
The SLDF in an effort to apply control to the various Mercenary
outfits across the Inner Sphere decided to set up a special department
for the regulation of contracts and mercenary accountability. Thus was
born the DMM, the Department of Mercenary Management.
Using the Alice Springs Castle Brian Complex constructed near
the ruins of Alice Springs in Australia, the headquarters of the
DMM were established. With housing for hundreds of Mercenary
Units, the SLDF created a port of call for mercenaries to trade their
services. The DMM handled all finance for contracts in the fashion
of the defunct MRBC, thus all contracting had for a time become more secure for both
mercenary and employer. In return for these services Mercenary
Units that joined the DMM were given board and lodgings along with
SLDF provided maintenance and huge discounts on the costs of equipment.
MRBC: Mercenary Review & Bonding Commission
Into the year 3083 when the it became clear that the Inner Sphere was again under another
Succession War and that the Star League could no longer function as a non-partisan entity
a special meeting between the Triumvirate, Primus Sharilar Mori, Director Dalton Cameron,
Director Yohan Lacroix, Director Maria Cortez and the Wolf’s Dragoon’s leadership occurred
on Outreach to discuss the separation of the DMM and MHB from the SLDF and reconstituting
a more independent MRBC, as pressure from almost all member states of the Star League was building
rapidly in the current war.
The MRBC functions as a mercenary guild, brokering and arbitrating mercenary contracts in the
endless wars in the Inner Sphere and also in the Periphery. If a mercenary unit is not registered
with the MRBC then it is not usually considered to be a legitimate mercenary, and therefore not
subject to POW rights, among other drawbacks. The MRBC also serves as a court of arbitration in
contract disputes for both employers and mercenaries.